Colors shown on our website are for representative purposes only. Some colors seen on this website may differ from actual placed concrete due to a number or reasons, not limited to, but including your monitor display settings, computers, scanners, printers and cameras used to obtain the samples. Installed concrete color can also vary from day to day placements due to a number or reasons, not limited to, but including humidity, water content, temperature, batching and/or mixing methods, duration of time worked, curing and sealing methods. This is typical in our industry, however we do take measures to minimize variances. Contact us to see more accurate color selection sample tiles.
We at Big Fish Custom Inc offer the content contained in this website as a public service and informational purposes only. This web site provides only general information about our company, its areas of service, and general comments about techniques. The information contained in our website, including current pricing, is subject to change without notice. The browsing or viewing of our website in no way creates a contractor-client relationship, nor any agreement for our services of any kind. If you have questions regarding services, need consulting on a project or have a project you want to commission us for, contact us to set up an appointment!
All artwork, photos, logos, and written information contained within this website are copyright 2007-2015, all rights reserved. Big Fish logo is a registered Trademark. Under no circumstances do we authorize any content to be duplicated without our written consent, and only then will it be allowed for a specified duration. Big Fish Custom Inc is a licensed, bonded, and insured contractor with WA State License # BIGFIFC855CJ